Legal Awareness Program at Milarepa School

Legal Awareness Program at Milarepa School


School Visit for Legal Awareness Program at Milarepa School  (SUKHIA POKHARI )

Date: 04.04.2024



  • Ashim Eric Ghatani (Assistant professor of law)


  • Ishan Chhetri (BA LLB (H) SEM X )  Convener Legal Aid Committee
  • Saloni Giri (BA LLB (H) SEM X )  Member Legal Aid Committee
  • Rohit Tamang (BBA LLB(H) SEM X)  Member Legal Aid Committee

On April 4th, 2024, a legal awareness program was conducted at Milarepa School .The program aimed to educate students on various important legal topics, including the Right to Information Act, Cyber Crime, Fundamental Rights and Duties, and Career Counselling in the field of law. The event featured concise sessions by knowledgeable speakers, covering essential aspects of each topic.

The Right to Information Act session elucidated the importance of transparency in governance and citizens' rights to access information from public authorities. The discussion on Cyber Crime highlighted the risks associated with online activities and measures to stay safe in the digital world. Exploring Fundamental Rights and Duties, students gained insights into their constitutional entitlements and responsibilities as citizens.

Additionally, the Career Counselling session focused on opportunities in the field of law, guiding students towards a better understanding of legal career paths and necessary steps to pursue them. The event fostered a sense of legal awareness and encouraged students to become informed and responsible members of society.

Overall, the legal awareness program at Milarepa School proved to be an informative and enlightening experience, equipping students with essential knowledge to navigate legal matters effectively in their lives.