Law College


As per the meaning of Sir Ivor Jennings” Administrative Law can be characterized as a law identifying with organization. It decides the association, forces and obligations of administrative specialists.” With the appearance of time the defintion and significance of administrative law has experienced a lot of progress .From mid nineteenth…

Law colleges in coochbehar with Difficulties Faced By Men

Difficulties Faced By Men in Family courts

A lady in India can record different bodies of evidence against men as indicated by the Indian laws. A marriage is considered as a deep association between a man and the lady and is performed through various marriage laws which incorporate the Hindu Marriage Act, Personal Marriage Act, and so…

Real Estate Laws

Land law, or property law, for the most part alludes to the laws controlling the proprietorship or utilization of land in the United States. Land law is a part of common law that covers the option to have, use, and appreciate land and the lasting man-made augmentations connected to it.…

Nature Of Indian Constitution

The Constitution of India isn’t an end however an unfortunate obligation, not simple popular government as a political task but rather a socio-juridical cycle which opens up through a humanist, revolutionary social request, the chance to unfurl the full personhood of each resident. The Indian Federalism is remarkable in nature…

Law college in west Bengal with Freedom of Religion

Freedom Of Religion

India, most prevalently recognized as the place where there is otherworldly convictions, philosophical reasoning, culture, has additionally been the origin of many number of religions out of which some of them exist in this period also. ‘Religion’ is completely a matter of decision, recognition and conviction. Paying regard to the…