

The concept of Iddat is very significant in Islamic Law. Iddat is the period in which a Muslim woman has to observe after dissolution of marriage. In this period woman has to remain in seclusion and is abstain from marrying another person or, it can be also be said that, during this period women is prohibited from marrying again after dissolution of her first marriage. The objects of Iddat firstly is to ascertain the pregnancy of the wife so, as to avoid confusion of parentage (paternity of child) and secondly is to give time after Talaq to both the couple so that they can reconcile or re-think about their relationship and can decide whether to dissolve the marriage or to revoke the Talaq pronounced. The completion of Iddat will make Talaq irrevocable. The duration of Iddat is different in different cases. In case of widowhood woman is prohibited to marry before completion of 4 months 10 days and in case if she is pregnant her Iddat will complete on delivery and miscarriage but if it comes before 4 months 10 days the remaining period she need to observe after delivery or miscarriage. The period of Iddat in Talaq is in 3 courses if woman is subject to menstruation if not 3 lunar months. Woman has to observe Iddat period mandatorily in case of death of her husband but if marriage is not been consummated than no need to observe Iddat period in case of divorce.  On dissolution of marriage by divorce wife has right to maintenance during Iddat period as per Quranic Verses. She is entitled to deferred dower (payable after dissolution) and if prompt dower has not paid, it becomes immediately payable. The completion of Iddat will break every marital tie between the couple and wife is not entitled to inheritance rights in her ex husband’s property in case of dissolution of marriage by divorce.



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