Ms. Poulomi Bhowmik

Ms. Poulomi Bhowmik

Assistant Professor of Law

Ms. Poulomi Bhowmik completed her B.A. LL.B (Hons) from Department of Law, University of North Bengal with First class in the year of 2021. Later, she enrolled herself for her Post Graduation in Law (Specialization in Public Law) in the year of 2021 in the Department of Law, University of North Bengal. The title of her dissertation was "Legal Status of Live-in Relationship in India" under the supervision of Professor (Dr.) RathinBandyopadhyay.

During her under-graduation and post-graduation, she has successfully participated in various academic activities including national moot court competitions, debate competitions and presented paper in UGC sponsored seminar.

Her area of interest includes Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Law of Torts, Environmental Law, Family Law, Human Rights and International Law.